Yule Goose 聖誕烤鵝
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Rinse goose and pet dry. Prick skin (but not meat) of goose. Peel and quarter onion. Quarter 1 lemon. Stuff onion and lemon quarters inside goose; pin cavity closed with toothpicks. Zest remaining lemon into small bowl, then juice lemon into same bowl. Add olive oil, sage, thyme, and salt; stir. Brush goose with olive oil mixture. Sprinkle with lemon pepper. Place goose on roasting rack in roasting pan and put into oven. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes per pound (about 2.5 to 3 hours), basting every half hour with pan drippings (or extra olive oil if there aren’t enough drippings). Remove from oven; discard onion and lemon quarters. Let goose rest 15 minutes before carving.
烤箱預熱到華氏350度(約攝氏 度)。把鵝洗乾淨並擦掉水份,在鵝皮用針戳(盡量別戳到肉),這樣烤的時候才容易烤熟、調味料也才能滲進去。切碎洋蔥、並拿一顆檸檬切開,一起塞進鵝裡面、並用牙籤封住。另一顆檸檬榨汁、然後把汁液與檸檬肉全放進碗裡,加上鼠尾草、百里香及鹽,一起與橄欖油混合,然後用這個調味料刷整隻鵝、最後把辣椒灑在上面。
採自:《witches’ datebook》, Llewellyn worldwide, 2011.