The Whirlpool Moon 星系漩渦與月全蝕
The Gemini Full Moon is the year’s second total lunar eclipse. The June eclipse’s lesson was learning to think like a Witch. Witchy thinking may be needed even more now, because this eclipse occurs in the part of the sky called the Whirlpool. People may be scattered to the four winds as the year ends. If coven members are going their separate ways, hold a coven closure ceremony. It may also be time to consider distributing the wisdom you’ve gained to others.
If solitary, write a list of current endings or changes. Burn the list and scatter the ashes in the winter winds. Bless that which is ending, and bless whatever enters to fill that void. A coven ritual may include this same list-burning procedure. Then toss seeds to the four winds to fertilize fresh starts in the new year. Because the Whirlpool also represents the distribution of wisdom, ask coven members to write (in advance) something they’ve learned form another member. Or upgrade it into an awards ceremony. (Humorous awards are loads of fun.) coven awards are a wonderful treat for Yule gatherings. And admiration and ego strokes are fantastic free gifts.
採自:《witches’ datebook》, Llewellyn worldwide, 2011.