The Moon of the Wand-Maker 滿月魔杖
The full moon in Aries represents the divine impulse that inspires creativity. Artistic skills are often a solitary pursuit, as much a matter of self-development as of honing talents. Aries is the sign of the quest, the spark that initiates a personal mission in life. Artists in the Craft may choose to dedicate talents as a form of dedicate talents as a form of Sacred Artistry. Wand – Makers are excellent examples of the sacred arts because thy not only make wands, they charge and dedicate the finished tool, preparing it for service.
While the last three full moons have emphasized service and sympathy, this one highlights blazing individuality. Each person has a unique mix of talents and skills, and the cove benefits when those skills are shared.
A solitary may choose to make an altar cloth, a candleholder, or a wand for this full moon ritual, or decorate a prefabricated item like an athame, a grimoire, or ritual clothing. Consecrate the item by the four elements. And dedicate it to magical use. Likewise, a coven ritual could feature similar activities or handmade ritual items members may also announce and dedicate a specific talent or project at a favored deity, and ask for blessings.
主要採自:witches’ datebook 2011 (liewellyn worldwide)