Samhain 薩溫節
Every Samhain marks the passage of the year, and those who parted ways during the journey of that year. While popularly we do enjoy the frivolity of the ghosts and goblins, the silly costumes, and the sugar highs, the underpinnings of this holiday are quite serious.
While Christians have All Souls’ Day on November 2, to Wiccans, October 31 is the day that you just might hear and see the souls in their march to the lands hidden beyond the knowledge of the living. This is the tie to clean the graves of you ancestors, and to make right any debts you may still owe. If you have access, go to a river or creek and recite the names of your beloved dead, starting with the people who have passed most recently. As you speak, throw a leaf, flower, or branch in the water to represent their boat as they travel down the river of souls.
When you finish, watch your vessels float away and listen carefully for what the dead may gave to say to you. This is a time to make peace and to forget old wrongs – the sins have died with the person, leaving you behind to make your won world right. When you return home, sit down for a quiet meal with those you love the most.
看著花船漸行漸遠,試著從內心靜聽他想告訴你什麼--這是屬於你與死者的獨處時光。當內心交流結束後,請放下你心裡的牽掛、讓心靈回到平靜。不論如何如今他已離開,而你是擁有這個世界的人,這不僅是個權益、也是一份義務 – 回家後好好珍惜身旁那些愛你的人,這兩天找個時間一起坐下來吃頓飯吧!
- 萬靈節,又稱諸靈節、追思已亡(諸信者)節、追思亡者節、悼亡節,是在每年的11月2日。這個節日是天主教會用來紀念及追思亡者。
- 萬聖節與萬靈節裡面有很多傳統都源于薩溫節。薩溫節是古凱爾特人的新年。薩溫節的意思是「夏天的結束」,一般是在十月底天氣轉冷的時候。就其本質而言,薩溫節就是在這一季節更替時慶祝所有重要事情的日子。
- 薩溫節:在西元前800年,凱爾特人聚集到一起建立了他們的社會,飼養羊和牛;而每年天氣轉冷時,牧羊人就要將他們的牲畜從山上轉移到更近的牧場。這種轉移很大程度上改變了他們的日常生活。冬天,每個人都待在家裏或離家很近的地方做些手工藝品,大家在一起打發時間。按照凱爾特人的傳統,他們認為「事物由一種狀態轉變成另一種狀態」具有某種神奇的魔力。因此一年中最大的魔力—就是「天氣」的變化。凱爾特人相信這個神秘時刻打開了生者與亡靈的某種聯繫。他們認為在薩溫節那一天是生死兩個世界距離最近的時刻,故人的靈魂會重遊人間。薩溫節的很多活動都和這種信仰有關,其中許多活動都已演變成了今天萬聖節的風俗。
- 《witches’ datebook》, Llewellyn worldwide, 2011.