Mabon 秋分時節
Mabon is the season of sacrifice, of watching what you love die, and committing yourself to faith that those things you see withering before you will return in another form.
If you live in a temperate climate walk through a wooded area or park filled with changing leaves. If you can, take photos. See the bright colors will cheer you during the winter months. watch for animals and plants preparing for the cold – squirrels burying nuts and plants going to seed, spreading their young into the ground to reappear when the ground warms once again.
Meditate on what you have done to prepare for the winter – do you have special projects and studies you can do indoors? Choose a tree with bright colors and a healthy trunk, and place your hands on it. Listen for as long as you can to the whispering of the leaves, and hear if that movement forms words or impressions in your mind. Listen to the tree talk about the coming sleep, its own time of rest, and think about how you will have to make do without what that tree provides firing the winter season. Be sure to leave an offering of thanks to the trees in the woods – without those plants, you would not be here.
你呢?你自己又幫寒冷的冬天做哪些準備?有沒有好好幫自己的室內空間做些特別的規劃?選一棵葉子明亮、樹幹強壯的大樹,並用雙手圍繞住它。靜下心來、仔細聽 -- 你會聽到樹葉之間的竊竊私語,而且它們還會融進到你的意念中跟你互動溝通。尤其是當你要準備睡覺前,更請你好好沉思 – 你需要依靠這些樹木犧牲自己、燃燒自己,才能幫你度過這個寒冬。所以之後記得要好好祭謝樹林、好好保護這個樹林 – 畢竟沒有這些樹林,你也將無法存活。
- 《witches’ datebook》, Llewellyn worldwide, 2011.