Lammas 收穫節
收穫節 ( Lammas / Lughnasadh) - 8月1日
The firstharvests are ready now, and it’s time to share the wealth. Have a picnicfeaturing seasonal foods: fresh herbs from your garden, tomatoes, cucumbers,squashes, beets, and perhaps a loaf of fresh-baked bread. Be sure to set out aplate as an offering to the God and Goddess; they helped you get this far withthis year’s adventures – so they certainly should taste the bounty.
在第一次得到收穫後,大家會一起野餐、互相分享收穫的喜悅。野餐的內 容通常是當季的時令蔬果:從自己花園採下的香草、蕃茄、黃瓜、南瓜、甜菜,有的還會加上新鮮出爐的麵包。此外,因為我們需要天神與女神的保佑、幫助我們度 過今年各種危險與挑戰,因此在此時當然要向祂們獻上祭品,表達我們的感謝之意。
As you enjoy thetaste of the season’s harvest, contemplate what you’ve done this season so far.Look at what you hoped for at Imbolc – has your plan stayed on course or hasyour life taken you to a different set of lessons? Talk about how you’repreparing for the season ahead, and picture yourself heading into what seemslike the far-off winter safe and secure. As you make these plans, pause toconsider: what sacrifices do you need to make to ensure you and those you lovehave everything you need for winter? What small things can you do over the nextsix weeks to prepare? And what will the new season bring to your life? As youclean up your picnic, be sure to bury the food offering to the gods –swallowthat bounty to absorb into the earth, giving it fresh fertility.
當 你享受著野風饗宴的同時,回想一下這段時間你做了哪些奉獻 – 你有沒有替自己當初的願望做出計劃?你在生活中是否有所成長、並因此產生轉變?跟別人討論你為了這一季做了哪些準備,並且預先想好如何讓自己能安然無恙地 度過年底的冬季。當你要執行這些計畫前,事先冷靜好好想想:為了確保自己與自己心愛的一切事物能夠安穩過冬,妳必須付出哪些犧牲?接下來六個星期你可以準 備哪些零碎的東西?下一個新的季節能帶給你什麼?就如同你在野餐結束時,必須將祭品埋入土中 – 這些收穫的營養將被土地吸收、轉化成新的生命力、如此成長下去循環不已!
1. 荒人巫思手抄
2. 小晶巫婆的故事盒子
3. 女巫行事曆2011 witches’ notebook 2011,ISBN978-0-7387-1130-0