This deciduous tree is sacred to the elves and the Fey. Elm tree once dominated the forest of Britain until Dutch elm disease wiped out many of the oldest trees. In a practical level, the trees are missed. A strong and water-repellent wood, elm was often used for making coffins. Elm trees were also a part of the hedgerow and were cultivated to shade vineyards from the Sun and to encourage the healthy growth of the vines.
An important tree in both Celtic and Scandinavian myths, the elm also has a connection to the dead and to the realms of the underworld and the realm of the Fey. The folk name for the elm tree is “Elven” because elms were often growing around burial mounds and faerie hills. Today if you would like to get in touch with the nature spirits, an elm tree may afford you the greatest opportunity. Add elm leaves into your rituals or create a faerie wand out of a fallen elm ranch. The elemental corresponded for the elm tree is water. The planetary association is Saturn. In the language of flowers, this herbal tree signifies dignity.
採自:Witch’s notebook, Llewellyn worldwide