Crystal Ball Gazing 培養「水晶球感應」的能力
This technique is best if done with a Crystal Ball 2-5 inches in diameter and works best on nights of the full moon.
If the purchase a Crystal Ball is not within your budget, a bowl of water with a Quartz Crystal Cluster at the bottom will suffice. True Quartz Crystal Balls can be quite expensive. Also, never substitute a resin or glass ball since they are ineffective for anything other than children's games.
好的水晶球其實是很貴的,因此如果妳無法負擔這筆預算,可以改成裝一碗水、在碗底鋪上碎水晶(或其他石英礦物),來練習你的感應能力。千萬不要用塑膠或玻璃的假水晶球 – 那對我們來說簡直是比兒童玩具還不如。
Light one or two candles in a darkened, quiet room. You can hold the crystal or place it on a stand, but it should have a blue or black velvet cloth underneath it. Make sure that there are no reflections from anything showing in the ball. You can also burn incense if you wish. Patchouli works great for me.
Before beginning, center yourself. Gaze into the ball, but do not stare. Try not to blink that much. While you are gazing, breathe in and out slowly and deeply. Just relax and gaze. You will feel a sense of limitless time. Enjoy the peacefulness and simply gaze. Do this for at least 15 minutes, and increase your time by 5 minutes with each succeeding session.
Usually around the second or third session, you will notice a small cloudy glow in the center of the crystal. This is your focusing area where your visions will appear. You may get a vision on your first try, while others have to attempt it several times before seeing something. Go at your own pace.
Just a small warning: Always remember the saying "Be Careful What You Wish For" while gazing. Think about what you wish to see before gazing. On my third session ( when I got my first vision ) I asked to see a vision of my previous life. I saw myself burning to death in a house fire. That was something that I didn't really enjoy remembering. Now I find that it is best to just gaze and receive whatever comes to me.
在這裡給您一個小提醒:記得這句俗諺「請小心許望」-- 凝視前先想想你真的想看的是什麼。我會這樣說,是因為當初我是在第三次練習時,得到感應。我當時想看看自己上輩子的一生,結果竟然看到自己被燒死在房子裡,這真是讓我很不舒服的回憶。現在我通常只是單純的凝視、就這樣靜靜的接受水晶球傳給我的一切。現在,我覺得這是最好的,只是凝視,並接受一切到我這裡來。
There are also different forms that visions come in. You can get actual visions of places and people, or you can get symbolic pictures. Another form that visions come in are color clouds. Although no one has been successful in identifying what each color cloud means, the following has been pretty accurate for a lot of seers.
- Blue clouds symbolize success of career or business
- Gold clouds symbolize prosperity, steady cash flow, and renewed romance to come
- Gray/Dark gray symbolize ill fortune
- Black clouds symbolize some seriously bad stuff coming one's way
- Green clouds symbolize health, happiness of the heart
- Orange clouds symbolize hidden aggression and anger, troubled emotions
- Red clouds symbolize danger to come. This person must watch themselves
- Silver clouds symbolize troublesome times ahead followed by goodness
- White clouds symbolize very good fortune to come
- Yellow clouds symbolize upcoming obstacles
- 藍色的雲,象徵事業或生意的成功
- 金色的雲,象徵繁榮、穩定的經濟,或是再次戀愛
- 灰/黑色,象徵厄運
- 烏雲,象徵某人即將收到很壞的訊息
- 綠色的雲,象徵健康與心臟
- 橙色的雲,象徵壓抑的憤怒或背地偷偷侵略,是象徵煩惱的情緒
- 紅色的雲,象徵危險的到來。這時記得請當事者多加注意。
- 銀色的雲,象徵你的善良將使之前的麻煩得到結束
- 白雲,象徵很好的運氣到來
- 黃色的雲,象徵即將來臨的障礙
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