Astrological signs are almost all wrong, as movement of moon and sun throws out zodiac 占星術的星盤竟然是錯的!?太陽與月亮的運行建構出新宮位
Almost nobody was born under the sign they think they are, as the astrological calendar has failed to be updated as our position in relation to the stars has changed.
The constellations have drifted out by a whole month, it was revealed on the BBC’s Stargazing Live. Since the zodiac was created over 2,000 years ago, the wobbling effect of the Earth caused by the moon and the sun has meant that the stars that are above us have shifted.
If, for example, someone was born towards the end of January, they might think they were born under Aquarius. But in fact they’d have been born under Capricorn, Dr Radmilla Topalovic, an astronomer from the Royal Observatory at Greenwich pointed out on the programme.
舉例來說,假設有個人在一月底出生,一般人可能都認為他是水瓶座的;但BBC節目中的皇家天文學家Radmilla Topalovic博士表示,其實這個人現在應該屬於魔羯座。
When the zodiac was devised by the ancient Greeks, people were assigned star signs based on the constellation that was behind the sun at that time. But the constellations are now out by about a month.
The wobbling process is called precession — it has been likened to the Earth behaving like a spinning top — and takes about 26,000 years to happen.
That means that 86% of people are now living under the wrong sign, according to the BBC. Stargazing Live created an interactive graphic that allows people to work out what their star sign really is.
The programme also points out that there is a thirteenth star sign, describing a lesser-known one called Ophiuchus. It is thought that ancient astrologers perhaps left out the sign so that the 360-degree path of the sun could be divided into 12 neat parts, each of 30 degrees.
But the constellation, known as the serpent bearer, actually passes behind the sun between November 30 and December 18 — so while some people might have their star sign wrong, some people might be an entirely new one altogether.
- 小嵐特地將13個星座的新日期排列出來,大家來看看自己的新星座吧!^ ^
蛇夫座 13星座日期:11月30日~12月17日
射手座 13星座日期:12月18日~01月18日
魔羯座 13星座日期:01月19日~02月15日
水瓶座 13星座日期:02月16日~03月11日
雙魚座 13星座日期:03月12日~04月18日
牡羊座 13星座日期:04月19日~05月13日
金牛座 13星座日期:05月14日~06月19日
雙子座 13星座日期:06月20日~07月20日
巨蟹座 13星座日期:07月21日~08月09日
獅子座 13星座日期:08月10日~09月15日
處女座 13星座日期:09月16日~10月30日
天秤座 13星座日期:10月31日~11月22日
天蠍座 13星座日期:11月23日~11月29日